WDWDN Offline show
@Casino Notabile, Rabat, MT
6-18th December 2019
curated by Letta Shtohryn
with works by : Ayşegül Altunok - Charlene Galea - Chen Varsano - EX.ICON - Eda Sarman - Enrico Dedin - Enzo Luciano - Erica Jewell - FBRZ VLL - Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali - Ivana Tkalčić - JPEG Bolton - Julio Guzman - Kornelia Remø Klokk - Mez Breeze - Milos Perkir - Mustafa Khanbhai - NOVIKI - Redgrits - Sandra Araujo - Santa France - ULTRAGLITX - Victoria West - Zander Porter - Bailey Keogh - Vitória Cribb - Yvonne Libenson
Casino Notabile
Exhibition view
WIFI routers with works by Chen Varsano - Yvonne Libenson - Ayşegül Altunok - Mustafa Khanbhai - Santa France - Vitória Cribb - Eda Sarman - Redgrits - JPEG Bolton - Mez Breeze
FBRZ VLL - boarded
Exhibition view / Boarded by FBRZ VLL
Bailey Keogh “Capitalist Reparations”
Exhibition view / Works by Victoria West (l) x Noviki (r)
Erica Jewell " Power plant"
Ehibition view / Works on VR sets by Enzo Luciano - Enrico Dedin - Zander Porter - Sandra Araujo - Charlene Galea - Ultraglitx - Julio Guzman - Ex.Icon / works on screens by Victoria West (l) x Kornelia Remø Klokk (R)
Ehibition view / Work by Kornelia Remø Klokk (L)
Ivana Tkalčić - twilight zone snapchat camera text-to-speech
Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali “ConFusion”
Kornelia Remø Klokk “D.U.S.T”
#Exhibition booklet x
Text by Doreen Rios
Online Show